I understand that I am obliged to maintain due confidentiality in the course and interaction with the clients of Boys' Town during my voluntary service for Boys" Town, Singapore. I also declare that I do not have any record of criminal offences and give consent for my particulars to be sent for security screening.
I agree to abide by the terms and conditions as stipulated by Boys' Town. I agree for Boys' Town to use my personal information for purposes related to tax exemption, fundraising, database management and communications, security screening and statistical analysis.
I accept that Boys' Town will keep the personal data confidential and restrict accessibility to only authorised and need-to-know personnel. I confirm that my volunteer service is entirely on my own accord and recognise and accept all risks involved in my participation of such activities.
I shall, however, follow all reasonable rules governing my safety and behaviour. I do undertake and discharge/release and not hold Boys' Town, its staff, volunteers, beneficiaries, partners, or any other servants or agents from all liabilities, claims, costs, charges, and expenses, for any accident, incident or bodily injury, loss or damage whether directly or indirectly by and/or to myself/other person(s)/other organisation(s) that may occur in the course of, or as a result of participating in such activities.